SDM Magazine: ‘Badging In’ Goes Digital and Higher Security
On March 23, 2020, Karyn Hodgson of SDM Magazine invited Mark Allen, Identiv GM, Premises, to participate in a Q&A for her article “‘Badging In’ Goes Digital and Higher Security”. Here is an excerpt:
Once a fairly “vanilla” choice, access control reader and credential options today include an array of more secure mobile, digital and security options to fit every user’s need and budget.
There was a time not too long ago when choosing the card and reader for an access control installation consisted of which proximity reader style from a limited number of suppliers you liked and how many 125 kHz cards or fobs you needed to purchase. But with the rising popularity of mobile credentials, the cost of smart cards coming down to proximity-level and readers undergoing a significant upgrade in security and features with OSDP and other trends, those days are disappearing.
Mark Allen, general manager, physical access systems, Identiv, Santa Ana, Calif., predicts this is just the beginning. “In the next five years we will see a continued commitment to end-to-end encryption as end users learn more and, in turn, demand more. We will begin to see older forms of access control credentials, such as proximity cards, phasing out to make way for newer, more secure technologies such as mobile credentials and biometrics.”
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