Hirsch ScramblePad Reader Family
Hirsch ScramblePad keypad readers are a family of access control products that provide high-security functionality with our patented scrambling of the illuminated keypad digits (FICAM migration optional).
ScramblePad Choices
TS ScramblePad
For easy FICAM compliance, offers a choice of RS-485 (OSDP) or PoE, with legacy Wiegand support, or 8236 for agencies currently using RS-HIRSCH and preparing for FICAM
ScramblePad TS
Offers LF and HF card compatibility and features a built-in MATCH Board, interfacing with all RS-HIRSCH systems
This keypad-only design is ideal for simple PIN-only building access
TS ScramblePad SC
Includes embedded contact smart card reader
Random Scrambling for High Security
The ScramblePad design is ideal for the world’s most secure locations. Its high-security scramble feature randomly orders digits each time the “START” button is pressed. The random scrambling prevents stealing a user code via pattern recognition, and also prevents keypad wear that leaves a tell-tale impression of the numbers used in a valid PIN. Plus, viewing restrictors narrow the field of vision and only the person directly facing the ScramblePad can see the presented digits.

Compatible and Compliant
- Supports PIV, PIV-I, CIV, CAC, PLAID, legacy credentials (DESFIRE, MIFARE, UID), and proximity
- Versatile platform that transitions seamlessly and simultaneously for FICAM-certified validation systems
- Compatible with Wiegand, RS-485, Ethernet, and Hirsch
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