Identiv’s uTrust TS Cards: A Versatile Platform for Access Control and NXP Specifications

By Stephane Ardiley, Identiv Director Product Management, Credentials

Identiv’s uTrust TS Cards address emerging security and compliance challenges while maintaining compatibility with existing physical access control systems (PACS). They are ideal for secure access control applications, closed-loop payments, and third-party options. For greater interoperability with other PACS systems and readers, we TS Cards have implemented the NXP’s generic access control data model specifications (a.k.a. NXP PACS, Application Note AN10957) and leverage state-of-the-art security by using NXP MIFARE DESFire technology (DESFire EV1 and EV2 chips).

This NXP application note specifically provides a generic approach for PACS applications. It presents a common data model that can be supported across smart card and reader manufacturers to provide interoperability between the card and reader for any physical access system. The data model comprises the exact details of a DESFire profile and the necessary application/files and associated cryptographic keys to grant access to the information within the card for mutual authentication, writing/reading, etc. 

In addition to the NXP data model, Identiv can also provision TS Cards (as well as TS Readers) with other custom applications, files, or keys, leveraging the vast range of multi-application capability offered by the NXP MIFARE DESFire chip family. These additional applications can be developed specifically for unique customer requirements and provisioned via Identiv’s uTrust Card Service Bureau

The uTrust TS Card and Reader line meets all of these requirements and delivers high-assurance identity and access card authenticity to both newly deployed and existing PACS. These cards complement the current portfolio of Identiv credentials, delivering convenience and data privacy for environments where the use of simple 125 KHz proximity is no longer recommended (i.e., sensitive areas of a building).

Top Benefits

  • Secure card platform for efficient PACS data protection
  • Standards-based card solution
  • Multi-technology cards that include 125 KHz proximity to interoperate seamlessly with existing readers
  • Third-party, multi-application support beyond PACS (i.e., biometric data)
  • Competitive pricing

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